On the mission to bomb Bologna, we circled the city once, but turned back due to the defective intercom of the planes. Once we got back, Captain Pilchard and Captain Wren told us that the last bombing was a milk run, and wasn't bombed effectively, so our crew has to go back to bomb Bologna. On the last milk run, there was no anti-aircraft fire, so we thought today would be as easy as it was yesterday. Wrong. We walked into a fury of anti-aircraft fire and flak. Captain Yossarian was trembling heavily and ferociously yelling out orders through the intercom at me: making me turn and climb as high as the plane could. In the background, I could hear Yossarian telling Captain Aardvark to get out of the nose and in the ship. Soot and smoke was everywhere. Yossarian told me to dive and get away from the mess, as he was fighting and punching Aardvark. It was snowing bits of paper all around us. Flak was making the bomber fly horribly, but when I made a hard left turn that took us out of the action, out of range and away from the booming guns. but, many men following our bomber perished in the incident. Bombers were destroyed and explosions erupted. It truly had been a horrible experience as well as an unsuccessful mission.
Written by McWatt
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