Saturday, August 17, 2013


We were all in the Officer's Club watching another game of Ping Pong between Appleby, a Ping Pong player with legendary skill and Orr. Appleby was beating Orr, by five points, although the game had just started, viciously smashing all of Orr's serves. The thing he didn't know was that Orr was pretty drunk after drinking his fill on gin. Orr threw his paddle with fury at Appleby's forehead, leaped up on the table, and landed with his feet crushing Appleby's face. Appleby got free of Orr's grip, but Orr prepared to deal a deathblow. Luckily, that Yossarian took Orr away, but Appleby threw an extremely hard punch at Yossarian. But something just delightful happened after that. That red Indian, Chief White Halfoat, grew so ecstatic, he joyfully swung at my god-awful son in law, Colonel Moodus, and broke open his nose. This had to be one of the best moments of my life because I have been waiting so long for something as great as this to happen. I was so grateful,I made that annoying Colonel Cathcart throw the Champlain out and had the Indian moved to Doc Daneeka's tent, so he would always be in the perfect condition to bust open my son in law's nose again. 
Written by General Dreedle

1 comment:

  1. Daang it!You're trying to get me killed or what?
