"They won't even take shelter," Dunbar argued bitterly. "They'll pour out into the streets to wave when they see our planes coming, all the children and dogs and old people. Jesus Christ! Why can't we leave them alone?"
We were discussing our next mission, which was to bomb a village in a path that German tanks were taking to create a roadblock that the Germans would have to clear, with Major Danby. The mission was so cruel , selfish, and inhumane. We were going to bomb a peaceful village that had done nothing to us! We were supposed to save innocent lives, not kill them! When we talked about the cruelty of the mission to Colonel Korn, he said that it would be cruel to let the German troops fight the American soldiers. When Dunbar suggested creating a roadblock somewhere else, Korn threatened to send us to Bologna, which was harsh, something we would never want to do again. Soon we where sent to bomb the village. Yossarian just mindlessly dropped bombs, but I dropped them hundreds of yards away from the village, so they wouldn't be harmed. I would probably face a court-martial. As for Yossarian, he was stuck with McWatt, who was doing tricks with the plane while singing, and a new bombardier. Eventually Yossarian threatened to kill McWatt with his .45 and luckily landed. The operation was gruesome, but luckily we lived and landed safely.
Written by Dunbar

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