After crashing his aircraft, Orr has washed ashore in the cost of Sweden after weeks and weeks oat sea. Captain Yossarian and I think that Orr rowed all the way there in a yellow raft through the Straits of Gibraltar with his tiny blue oar, eating raw codfish till he reached Sweden and serving himself tea in the afternoon. I think that he is the perfect example of human perseverance, influencing me to persevere as well. Yossarian thinks that since Orr has crash landed every mission, that he was preparing for his "getaway" the whole time, practicing how to get shot down and to escape unscathed. Because of this, Yossarian told Major Danby and me on how he was ditching the military and going to run away to Sweden, even though the military was going to do a lot to catch him and put him back in jail. Major Danby was very concerned on how Yossarian was going to perform the escape, thinking it was insane. Meanwhile, I was excited because I decided I would triumph over General Peckem, General Scheisskopf, Colonel Korn, and colonel Cathcart. I was happy that Yossarian was going to start a new life in Sweden, possibly with Orr.Yossarian hoped to go to Rome, save a young kid, and go to Sweden. Major Danby started helping Yossarian, saying that he wouldn't stop Yossarian, advising him, and giving him supplies for the great, risky journey Yossarian was about to embark on. After saying farewell, Yossarian dodged Nately's girlfriend's knife as she hid behind the doorway and sped towards Rome. Major Danby and I, wishing him good luck and Godspeed, started our new lives.
Written by Chaplain A.T. Tappman